San Salvador, Bahamas
These photographs were taken on a scuba diving trip in San Salvador. I ventured to a nearby village and the beauty of a local family drew me in.
Camera & Film / Nikon FM2, Kodak Tri-X Pan

Natal, Brazil
A group of children guided me through their village in northeastern Brazil.
Camera & Film / Nikon FM2, Kodak T-Max

Fes, Morocco
The Medina of Fes, captures the country’s culture and vitality. The Medina holds fascinating details of the country and peoples’ story though each door and paths connecting them. The desert, not far off, is vast yet dense with the history of nomads and travelers.
Camera & Film / Nikon FM2, Kodak Ektachrome

“This creed of the desert seemed inexpressible in words, and indeed in thought.”
—T.E. Lawrence

The intricate and vibrant beaded jackets of the matadors fascinated me and drew me to capture this iconic part of Spanish culture. Semana Santa and Flamenco bring movement and intrigue to my collection of photographs from my year living in Spain.
Camera & Film / Nikon FM2, Various Film

“Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance is left to the fighter’s honor.”
— Ernest Hemingway

Families live and children play among the irrigation canals in this village north of Cairo.
Camera & Film / Nikon FM2, Color negative